Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Animethon Followup!

Hi everypony!

So, despite our severe negligence of the website, we have been very busy. We had a very productive weekend at Animethon up in Edmonton. We revealed there our first line of Calgary Brony Exhibition t-shirts! Thanks to everyone there for being incredibly supportive! It truly amazes us at how much everyone is behind this.
Now to more news! We are getting a lot of emails about vendor and artist alley tables and we are running low on space. So, please let us know soon if you plan on attending. We have put a table end date at January 31, 2013. I know it seems far away, but we are getting an incredible amount of interest! As well, we are working on more products to sell, so keep an eye out for them.
Lastly, Con Guy found this funny video from the Nostalgia Critic about Bronydom:

Take care everypony!