Hi everypony!
Well.... where do we start!? We had a crazy busy, productive, and wonderful weekend at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo! For starters, as anyone following us knows, we were given wonderful gifts to auction off by amazing members of the community! It turned out great! Con Guy and I are now so very close to our goal of finalizing a venue! As such, expect the news of location and dates sometime within the next couple of months! We have also been invited to have tables and panels at both Animethon and Nishikaze! So, we are going to be two very busy ponies for quite some time.
I'd like to take this time to thank so many ponies! First off, I would like to thank the Expo for letting us be a part of the wonderful community there! Secondly, to everypony who stopped by and showed their support. It was nothing short of inspirational for both Con Guy and myself! Thirdly, to everyone who supported us by buying things! We can honestly say that we did not expect so much support in the financial department like that! Fourthly, to everyone who was generous enough to donate! It honestly made my day every time someone did it! Fifth, I would like to thank Paper Street Cosplay for helping us out when things were looking bleak! Your amazing products were a great way to get people to come to our booth! Of course, I wish to thank my fiance pony, Caring Hooves, for helping out on Friday! As well, I would like to thank Bob, Alex, and John, who all made things easier by being completely amazing friends and helping us out with whatever they could! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our media friends who decided to record us and spread the news about the Exhibition! And, lastly, on a personal note, Con Guy and his girl pony, Simone, for doing so very much work! I, unfortunately, had to step away from the amazing Expo on Saturday for a family wedding. (I tried really hard to get out of it!) With that said, they put in so much work to keep everything going and talk to absolutely everypony they could at the Expo! And for this, I want to extend my most heartfelt thanks to them!
If I forgot to thank anyone at all, I put forth my most sincere apologies! All in all, it was a great weekend full of busy times and wonderful ponies! It was a wonderfully eye opening experience for all of us involved. We look immensely forward to bringing all of our friends in Equestria wonderful news in the future!
Thanks for a wonderful weekend!
Sage Charger