Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Drum Roll Everypony Who wants to see our fist guest it is none other than Nicole Gauss! 
Nicole has been working in animation for over a Decade including Character Design for all of Season 1 check out her deviant Art or maybe her imdb or check out more of her art here she'll be down for the weekend so make sure to come and say hi and catch her panel on character design!

also did I mention she'll be taking commissions come and get yourself ponyfied by the lady who designed the ponies you love but come early as I know she"ll load up with work quickly

Also if you wanna know about our second Guest we have lined up Like us on face book 200 likes Gets the news released but at 125 likes, 150 likes, and 175 likes gets you a hint!

As I post this we are 3 likes away from your first hint Everypony so head on over to and hit like its basically a digital Brohoof.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Calling all Vendors and Artists!

Hey everypony!

We have our official floorplan all done up and have started adding people who have already requested tables to our plans! That being said, we still have room! But, not a whole lot! So, please email us as soon as possible! We would love everypony with creative talents to be a part of this! If you have any questions, please comment or email us at Info as follows:

Vendor Tables: $75
Artist Tables: $50

Please note that extra tables are $25/piece if you need them.

So, please get to us soon everypony and spread this news around!


Sage Charger

Monday, 24 September 2012

Come see us!

Hello everypony!

Well, we heard at the last minute that we will be spending a weekend at the Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo! We are getting in on the ground floor for their first year! It's going to be an exciting weekend! So, please come and see us! It will be the weekend of October 20-21. We hope to see everypony there!

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Animethon Followup!

Hi everypony!

So, despite our severe negligence of the website, we have been very busy. We had a very productive weekend at Animethon up in Edmonton. We revealed there our first line of Calgary Brony Exhibition t-shirts! Thanks to everyone there for being incredibly supportive! It truly amazes us at how much everyone is behind this.
Now to more news! We are getting a lot of emails about vendor and artist alley tables and we are running low on space. So, please let us know soon if you plan on attending. We have put a table end date at January 31, 2013. I know it seems far away, but we are getting an incredible amount of interest! As well, we are working on more products to sell, so keep an eye out for them.
Lastly, Con Guy found this funny video from the Nostalgia Critic about Bronydom:

Take care everypony!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Hello EveryPony,

We are pleased to announce our table prices for the upcoming Calgary Brony Exhibition
An artist alley table will be $50 and if you would like to be a Vendor the cost of your table will be $75 please feel free to contact us via email at we have already received a few requests for tables and space is limited we will contact you shortly if you have already emailed or spoken with us about a table. Please note all table will be sold on a first come first serve biases. If you are a Vendor keep in mind your crowd when deciding what to bring as i assure you pony swag is what the people want! we hope to announce some more con related news soon just working out the details here and there.

let us know if you would like a spot Everypony!


Con Guy

Monday, 7 May 2012

Good news everypony!

Good news everypony!

We have secured a venue and time for the Exhibition! *fangirl squeal* So here we go!

We will have the event March 15-16, 2013 at the Marlborough Community Centre in Calgary! The address for the hall is 636 Marlborough Way NE, Calgary, Alberta! That being said, we now are going to start taking inquiries on vendor and artist tables. As well, we can finally get going on our big plans! Thus, we would like to remind everypony to work hard on the logos for our contest! We have a venue, so we just need a logo! Let's make this the best weeekend ever!

Have a wonderful spring day,

Sage Charge and Con Guy

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Wonderful weekend

Hi everypony!

Well.... where do we start!? We had a crazy busy, productive, and wonderful weekend at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo! For starters, as anyone following us knows, we were given wonderful gifts to auction off by amazing members of the community! It turned out great! Con Guy and I are now so very close to our goal of finalizing a venue! As such, expect the news of location and dates sometime within the next couple of months! We have also been invited to have tables and panels at both Animethon and Nishikaze! So, we are going to be two very busy ponies for quite some time.

I'd like to take this time to thank so many ponies! First off, I would like to thank the Expo for letting us be a part of the wonderful community there! Secondly, to everypony who stopped by and showed their support. It was nothing short of inspirational for both Con Guy and myself! Thirdly, to everyone who supported us by buying things! We can honestly say that we did not expect so much support in the financial department like that!  Fourthly, to everyone who was generous enough to donate! It honestly made my day every time someone did it! Fifth, I would like to thank Paper Street Cosplay for helping us out when things were looking bleak! Your amazing products were a great way to get people to come to our booth!  Of course, I wish to thank my fiance pony, Caring Hooves, for helping out on Friday! As well, I would like to thank Bob, Alex, and John, who all made things easier by being completely amazing friends and helping us out with whatever they could! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our media friends who decided to record us and spread the news about the Exhibition! And, lastly, on a personal note, Con Guy and his girl pony, Simone, for doing so very much work! I, unfortunately, had to step away from the amazing Expo on Saturday for a family wedding. (I tried really hard to get out of it!) With that said, they put in so much work to keep everything going and talk to absolutely everypony they could at the Expo! And for this, I want to extend my most heartfelt thanks to them!

If I forgot to thank anyone at all, I put forth my most sincere apologies! All in all, it was a great weekend full of busy times and wonderful ponies! It was a wonderfully eye opening experience for all of us involved. We look immensely forward to bringing all of our friends in Equestria wonderful news in the future!

Thanks for a wonderful weekend!

Sage Charger

More Expo Stuff

Hey Everyone

We are loving the Calgary Expo and we have some surprises for this Sunday

First we are going to Drawing for our Rainbow Dash raffle early today about 10:30 - 11:00 am,
second we will be having our Sunday Raffle which includes a Twilightlicious Shirt Signed by Tara Strong and
Paper street Cosplay has made for us a second awesome prize a canvas messenger bag with Celestia's Cutie mark on one side and Luna's on the other both these are going to be hugely popular so come get your tickets for two awesome chances to win!

we will be getting a resupply of our buttons featuring the Mane Six Cutie marks so come by for those too

Also our Silent auction for the original Production art of Pinkie Pie is going awesome the current bid is $600.00 but  think you guys can do A little bit better.

we are also going to have some new stuff at our Booth today so swing on by

As always Love and Tolerate

Your Calgary Brony Exhibition Lords

Con Guy and Sage Charger

Friday, 27 April 2012

The Big Announcement

Super Special Announcement 

Hey Every Pony 

I first to say We loved seeing all the members of the Brony community that came to see us today
I will keep this short and sweet as not to keep everyone in suspense. Today at the Expo we had the pleasure of meeting Nicole Gauss, for those of you that don't know she worked with Hasbro and the production crew of MLP friendship is magic. she is a concept and character artist and as we look through her sketches today we know she was instrumental in the how the world of My little pony turned out. She is an AMAZING PERSON 
and has given us a piece of art to auction off. In particular we Now have the ORIGINAL concept drawing of Pinkie Pie. This is a one of a kind original NOT a print or a reproduction. We will be Holding a silent auction for the Art work and we hope everyone is as excited as I am about this.

Come By the booth for all the details tomorrow we will announce the winner of the auction Sunday and they can come claim their Purchase 

We have some other new stuff at the Booth tomorrow so even if you came by today Come by and see us again 

also I have heard there is a meetup happening sometime tomorrow let me know if I can join or help in any way 

My best 

Con guy 

Nick Oughton 

Thursday, 19 April 2012

More Info on Our Changes

Sorry everyone About being TARDY! but when I posted last night I guess it Didn't update. To explain we have  Been Making Changes in our Business name and the entire name of what we are doing, this has been brought on by a email we Received from Andrew Brockert. For those who don't know he is the Con Chair for the Original BronyCon, and we have complied with his request to change our name as he has made us aware of an issue cropping up, long story short the Name BronyCon is theirs and us using it causes legal Hassle for them, us, and any companies that interact with either of us. BronyCon is what we aspire to be if we can and we want to get there without causing any trouble for Existing Brony Conventions. There are alot or reasons for this change that are behind the scenes but I Don't want to bore you all with all the details but suffice to say we were inconvenienced re branding some of our established work but we were more than  happy to do so.

And that's How Equestria was made 

Your Calgary Brony Exhibition Lords 

Con Guy and  Sage Charger

Wednesday, 18 April 2012



As well, we need to make everypony aware that for the logo contest, please use our new name. As well, we haven't heard anything from Hasbro, so please do not use any trademarked image as we don't really want any more legal hassles.


New Name

Hello everypony!

It's been a fun morning of illegal doing. We have been told that our previous name was trademarked, and while that made us sad, we are moving forward! So, unless anyone has trademarked the work "exhibition, we are in the clear. Also, if you have, contact us so that we may berrate you and make you feel silly. :P But, in all seriousness, we are still moving forward! While our name has changed, I can guarantee you that our mantra has not. We still want to make this thing real and make it grand! If only the Grand Galloping Gala could be so magnificent as we hope this to be! But, I will let everyone know, that our twitter handle has changed as well. We are working very hard on preparing what we can for the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo! So, please come visit us there if you can!

Have a wonderful day everypony!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Hello Everypony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check us out at the Calgary Comic and entertainment Expo at booth T06. We will be there to raise funds and let Everypony know who we are so stop by and say "Hello!"

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo!

Hi Everypony!

So, ConGuy and I have been doing yet more work! Woo! Work is what we do as the Calgary BronyCon Lords! But, we have some exciting news! *hoof roll please!* We are very close to our booth at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo! We are currently talking to the Expo Exhibit Directors and working it out! So, here is where we need A TON OF COMMUNITY HELP! While we are making headway, we would very much appreciate it if anyone would be able to do artwork/crafts/anything for us to sell at the Expo so that we may make more money for the actuall hall! Every bit counts everypony! Please, if you have any suggestions/comments/questions, email/twitter/facebook us! We are trying very hard to get this moving forward, but we need the help of the Equestria community to do so! We will keep posting info as it becomes available!

Have a wonderful evening everypony!

Sage Charger and ConGuy

Friday, 17 February 2012

Con news!

Hi everypony!

Let us start by saying that we are so sorry for the long wait in between posts! Turns out that starting a convention has many, many legal sides to it! So, Con Guy and I have been working as quick as we can doing the legal type things... and by Celestia we are making progress! So, some time hopefully very soon we will be able to update everypony on some of the other things we are planning (we can't yet for legal reasons)! So, please, keeping spreading the word and getting pumped for the convention! And, if you have any questions/comments/queries(/anything at all!), please just write us a letter (Dear... Calgary BronyCon Lords? :P ) and fire away!

And as of now, I'm officially stealing and modifying a popular phrase (and remember that you heard it here first!).... Keep calm and BRONY on!

Have a wonderful day and weekend everypony!

P.S. Also feel free to leave comments! The more word from the community that we have... the better!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Poll Results - Favorite Mane Six?

The results are in everypony! Your favorites are:
1) Twilight Sparkle
2) Rainbow Dash
3) Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy (it was a tie!)
4) Rarity
5) Applejack

Our new poll is going to be about the con itself, so help us out by giving your input!

Thanks and have a beautiful day!

Vendors and artists galore (hopefully)!

Hey everypony!

So The Con Guy (Nick) and Sage Charger (Steve) have been doing more work on getting this going! Right now we need every ponies help! We are looking to bring vendors and artists to the Calgary Bronycon! But, seeing as our cutie marks have nothing to do with art or making cool stuff, we need help in locating some! We need everypony to talk to friends and post in their various social networks about this! We want the con to be a vibrant place of fun and harmony! As such, we would like everypony to ask around to see if there are any vendors or artists who are pony-centric and who are willing to come and set up a table for the convention! The price is yet to be determined, but we are working on it! So, please do your best to ask around, because I'm sure all of the ponies attending would love to see the amazing pony artwork  and pony stuff in one place! So, again, please pass this on!

Hoping you all have a great day!

Sage Charger

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Contest Legal Things

Hey everypony!

So, we've already received a few submissions for the contest! And while, this makes everypony judging super happy to hear, we unfortunately can't do anything with them. As per Hasbro, any likeness, cutie mark (any for the entire cast), or character is copyrighted property of Hasbro, Inc. However, we are in contact with their legal department to ask if any of the above can be used for a not-for-profit group. We will keep everypony updated for when we hear from them!

Have a great day ponies!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

More information regarding the contest

Further information!

So, some ponies have been asking some questions regarding the contest! Here are some further details!

  1. The closing deadline is July 15, 2012.
  2. The official name for the convention is Calgary BronyCon.
  3. All entries can be sent to the email address
Alright! So, if you have any other questions, feel free to email us at or leave a comment here!

Thanks everypony!

Monday, 16 January 2012

Calgary BronyCon Logo Contest!

Hello everypony! Thank you for entering the Calgary BronyCon logo contest! Of course, this contest has us judges all very excited! And, we hope that you are also excited... and if you weren't before, maybe the prizes for winning will make you excited! So, not to hold you in suspense too long, here are the prizes!

  • First Place
    • Two VIP tickets to the convention, an item autographed by Tara Strong (yet to be determined), and your work as the face of the con!
  • Second Place
    • One VIP ticket to the con, a Brony t-shirt in the winner's size, and one regular pass to the convention!
  • Third Place
    • A Mane Six bag, and two regular tickets to the con!
We have quite the rigorous judging panel, composed of Bronies and Non-Bronies alike! So, nopony will be left in the dust! Our judging panel will judge each entry on a numerical and objective basis! And on that note, I proudly present the other information: No entrants are involved in the judging process. Each category is labeled 1 through 5 in junction with the points, where 1 is the least possible score in the category, and 5 is the maximum. Therefore, there is a possible score of 20 for each entry and all entries are judged on this scale. Here are the categories:

  1. Cool, but not radical.
  2. Radical, but not awesome.
  3. Above average awesome for a pony work.
  4. Amazing to look at.
  5. Awesome by definition... it truly inspires awe!
  1. The only representation of the convention or Calgary is in the logo.
  2. Contains minor elements from Calgary or Pony culture.
  3. Uses both Calgary and Pony cultural elements in a way that ties together.
  4. The image very easily represents both Calgary and the Bronies.
  5. This entry captures the very essence of the spirit of Calgary and the spirit of Bronies in an integral way.
  1. The entry has no visible element promoting the convention.
  2. The only indication of the convention is the logo.
  3. Logo is evidently attempting to promote the convention in style and text.
  4. The entry clearly promotes the cultural phenomenon associated with the convention.
  5. The entry very easily depicts the cultural phenomenon and the brotherhood we would like tied to the convention.
  1. The image has a simple idea and a lack of proper execution. Artistic elements within the logo are not cohesive and do not fit the theme of the convention.
  2. The logo has the possibility to be unique and original but it does not live up to its potential. Also, the entry has a lack of execution.
  3. The logo has an original idea but it does not have awesome execution.
  4. The logo has an original and unique idea and above average execution. (Ehhhh. it needs to be about 20% cooler!)
  5. The logo encompasses a completely original idea and has excellent execution. All of the elements present with the logo make a harmonious whole. It exemplifies what it means to be a Brony!

Well, here is where we thank everyone for their wonderful entries! We look forward to looking at every entry! All entries can be submitted to *fangirl squeel*

By submitting an entry, you accept the following terms:
  • If your entry wins, it will become a copyrighted property owned and used exclusively by the convention.
  • Your image may be used and sold for fundraising, conventional, and/or promotional purposes.
  • All personal information will be kept confidential, in accordance with the highest standards of security.
  • The convention is a not for profit group, so all prizes and rewards are a one-time agreement between the convention and the entrant. Any profit gained from the convention is strictly the property of the not for profit convention. No further recompense will be made to any entrants of this contest, or any other persons or groups, whatsoever.
  • All images already copyrighted by Hasbro, Inc. or any other group will be automatically disqualified.


We have created the site!
Hi everyone! Myself and Nick have been working on many things in the last week! This is the start of our official blog! We hope to continue drumming up support for the convention, that with all luck, will be happening late summer / early fall. For everyone's information, here is our contact info:

Twitter - CalgaryBronyCon
Email -
Rainbow Dash Network - Calgary BronyCon

We will keep posting info to the site as it becomes available! As for now, we are working on the final rubrik for the convention logo contest!

Thanks and have a great day everyone!